How to Do Business in Asia Successfully

..I am asked by individuals in the groups to distill some of what I have learned in Asia over the last 45 years. ...Below are some thoughts on what I believe is important



F r e q u e n t l y A s k ed Q u e s t i o n s (FAQs)

A company considering establishing a presence in Asia understands that this is not a simple matter. Can you give us an example of a few of the types of logistical problems that can happen that might be outside of the realm of what one might expect?  >>> Read more...


Infrastructure in Asia

Infrastructure (airports, seaports, roads, bridges, etc.) are all important to a country in terms of attracting investment and business and to a company when it is time to decide where to locate an investment, build a factory, establish a regional office, etc.  How easy a country is to travel to and the modernity and efficiency of its air and seaports is always something a company and its executives need to consider.  Asia is growing fast and infrastructure in terms of air and seaports is constantly changing.  Below are insights on logistical key installations throughout the region.  >>> Read more...



ASEAN Free Trade Agreements

Under AFTA, six members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) cut tariffs on nearly 8,000 items. The six countries include Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Brunei and Thailand. Four of the less developed ASEAN nations including Cambodia, Laos, Burma and Vietnam will have a further period to phase in the tariff cuts.  >>> Read more...


Table Comparing Asia Taxes

Please note that government tax incentives that are offered by many countries throughout the region greatly affects the effective tax rate in the initial years.  Please use this chart with the tax incentive information as many countries like Thailand and Vietnam give very generous tax incentives for target companies that can make your effective tax "zero" in the first 5-8 years. >>> Read more....


Insight Asia Industries

In the News

Interviews and advice on Asia

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